
Donald Trump: China is not ready to end the trade war

The US will increase further import tariffs on Chinese products. 

President of the United States (US) Donald Trump

 WASHINGTON - President of the United States (US) Donald Trump said China was not ready to make a trade agreement with his country to end the tariff war. 

Trump claimed to be ready to increase further import tariffs on Chinese products or commodities. "China wants to make a deal and I say they are not ready," Trump told the media crew at the White House on Tuesday (9/10), quoted by the South China Morning Post website. "I just said they were not ready.

 And we have canceled several meetings because I said they were not ready to make an agreement (with the US), "Trump added. When asked if the US was ready to impose more tariffs on China, Trump answered straightly, "Of course, of course.

" Trump's comments came after the Chinese Ambassador to the US Cui Tiankai said his country was ready to make an agreement with Washington to end the tariff war between the two countries. "We are ready to compromise," said a few days ago. Nevertheless, Cui assessed that the US position regarding this matter was always changing. 

"So we don't know exactly what the US wants as a priority," he said. Cui revealed, his country was ready to take steps to reduce the US trade deficit with China. 

He said Beijing was to carry out economic reforms, where unfair trade practices, including discriminatory subsidies for domestic industry, had become one of Trump's main complaints.

 But before doing this, Cui again asked the US to clarify what he wanted.

 "We have several tentative agreements between the two work teams, then only (within a period of time) overnight, tentative approval is rejected and US requests change," he said. 

The trade war between China and the US has made bilateral relations warm up.

 In September, Trump announced an additional tariff of 200 billion US dollars for Chinese imported products, including television and toys. 

In retaliation, Beijing announced it would impose five to ten percent tariffs at an additional US $ 60 billion for Washington products, including meat and liquefied natural gas.

 Trump has boasted that he is ready to impose import tariffs of US $ 267 billion if China takes retaliatory action against US farmers or industry players.

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